All my blog posts about programming in general. Often C# / .NET

  • Client certificates in ASP.NET

    Client certificates in ASP.NET

    One aspect of security which I find interesting is Client Certificate Authentication. It may sound a bit old school to send along a certificate with your request, with the JWT authentication methods that are in fashion for the past years. However I think it still has a valuable purpose to fulfill.

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  • Distributing your API definition as a NuGet client

    Distributing your API definition as a NuGet client

    Creating APIs is quite simple nowadays. You can have a functional API up and running in the Azure cloud within minutes. By using an OpenAPI library like Swagger to publish your API’s definition, other systems can easily integrate and utilize its functionality. The real challenge, as with many programming aspects, lies in maintaining the software…

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  • Technorama Netherlands 2023 in review

    Technorama Netherlands 2023 in review

    Technorama is a “Deep knowledge IT Conference” as the event is described on the website. And that is definitely true, I wouldn’t describe the sessions as entry level. Most of the presentations given by the large list of speakers require knowledge and experience of working in the field. And for me, that makes it worth…

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