Hi there! I’m a Software Enthousiast that always had a interest in computers from a young age. When I finished high school I had to make a choice what I wanted to be and if I needed to study in order to achieve it. I went to different computer science try-out days in the Netherlands and decided that this is something I can excel at but more importantly having fun doing it as a fulltime job.

Now, almost five years since I got my degree at the university of applied sciences and I’ve been happily working in IT ever since. I noticed more and more that most of the time as a Software Engineer I’m researching and explaining a lot of the things I’m working on. Most of the time the information is shared only within my team or part the company and then gets lost once a solution is working as expected.

Such a waste actually to let all those hours of work be forgotten like that. So one way to contribute back to the IT community is through this blog. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I can only learn from it, right?

I hope this blog can help you and others with the technical or team challenges we daily face in the IT.
Don’t hesitate to leave your feedback or ideas on the blogposts themselves. Enjoy!

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